
20150417::Our website has been updated.

This update includes following changes and improvements.

And you must delete your browser's cache to take effects of this update.

1. Added message notification feature.

* This feature must be useful for LookandWalk members ;-)

* You will get a message notification when someone added new comment on your article.

* You can use @username to mention someone and send him a message. Just similar to Facebook or any other SNS services.

* example ) You may post a comment like "@abcd I like your comment!" to post a comment and send a message to user "abcd" at the same time.

2. Fixed the dropdown menus of top to make it easier to use on mobile.

* Look and Walk website has lots of stuffs and it looks complicated but of course, it still works fine on mobile. However, we have improved it to make it work even better on mobile.

3.Added new rules for posting an article

* When you are uploading images, you may add 'ignore_' to exclude this image from "Travel Gallery" from main page and "View all image" from blog page.

4. Now the main page and article list pages are showing the number of comments.

5. Recently posted articles are now being highlighted.

* New articles posted in 24 hours will be highlighted as "NEW". Now its easier to figure out which one is fresh.

6. Improved main page for none-Korean speakers.

* Now the main page will show the contents posted with only your language when it is selected none-Korean language. BUT this excepts "Camp Compass"

* Our translators. Thank you very much for your hard work.

7. Added new page "Korean Food Dictionary"

* This page is for introducing Korean food.

* This is about for "Where to eat" but "What to eat"

* We are about to introduce not only the well known Korean food for foreigners as Bulgogi or Kinchi but the Korean food ordinary Korean people are eating.

8. The pages Camp Compass and Travel Info are now showing 5 articles list on a page.

9. The "Fastivals" of main page now has no title and displays as four seasons(4 pictures of 4 seasons on the middle of main page).

10. Search conditions from Travel Info page : Now has 'Selected lang' option.

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