Corporate Member's blog howto

Welcome our corporate members.

Look&Walk; provides blog page for our corporate members so corporate members can manage your own contents.

1. Moving to your blog

Sign in first and

① Mouse over on the drop down button next to ‘My Page’

② Click ‘My Blog’ at the top of the list.

2. Creating a Blog

③You will see this screen then click the ‘Create My Blog’ button

3. Start blogging

④This is the first page of your blog. You can post an article by clicking ‘write’ button.

4. Posting a blog article

⑤ Select category : You can manage category from ⑭ ‘Manage’

⑥ Travel regions : Choose the country of the article you are writing about.

⑦ Written language : Choose which language you are writing in.

⑧ Put the subject and blog article in here. You can put images and google map in the article.

⑨ Additional languages : ⑦You can put translations of your blog article if you have translated article of yours.

⑩ Send a trackback

⑪ Attached file : You can attach files such as brochure or a map

⑫ Tag : Put the keywords of your article here

⑬ Register : Click this button to finish writing and post the article.

⑭ Manage : Manage your blog settings and profile.

5. Manage your Blog

⑮ From ⑭ ‘Manage’ button , you can access this management page which can edit your blog profile and categories or change the blog skin. Customize your blog as you want here.

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